TourMusicFest: done!

– To wake up at 4:00am on saturday: done!
– To gather the band and the instruments: done!
– To take first plane to Rome: done!
– To find confirmation that nothing happens by chance jsut because the driver who took us at the airport likes to sing at karaoke: done!
– To show up at the entrance ad 9:00am when check-in is programmed ad 11 and, anyway, we are summoned at 14: done!
– To listen 25 bands coming from any part of Italy: done!
– To clog the organization taking three times the programmed time to setup instruments and make the cechsound: done!
– To scare the sound engineer turning on our guitar distortion: done!
– To play “AP” at the Tour Music Fest 2019: done!
– To listen 24 more bands: done!
– To come back to airport under the rain: done!
– To take last plane to home, at 21:50pm: done!
– To pack up the band and the instruments: done!
– To face monday with an headache, an earache and a “mild” sense of fatigue, but not to care just because it has been wonderful: done!
– To discover that there is someone who can handle a such complex event in a very professional way: done!
– To find the sense of all sacrifices we do for music in the excitement of all other musicians: done!
– To find that we have a lot of friends we didn’t know: done!
– To have, if possible, still more desire to play togheter and being a band: done!
– To wait 12 november to know if we are admitted to next event: we are doing it!